Source code for personio_py.models

Definition of ORMs for objects that are available in the Personio API
import json
import logging
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from functools import total_ordering
from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Type, TypeVar

from personio_py import PersonioError, UnsupportedMethodError
from personio_py.mapping import (
    BooleanFieldMapping, DateFieldMapping, DateTimeFieldMapping,
    DurationFieldMapping, DynamicMapping, FieldMapping, ListFieldMapping, NumericFieldMapping,

    # only type checkers may import Personio, otherwise we get an evil circular import error
    from personio_py import Personio

logger = logging.getLogger('personio_py')

[docs]class DynamicAttr(NamedTuple): field_id: int label: str value: Any
[docs] @classmethod def from_attributes(cls, d: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> List['DynamicAttr']: return [DynamicAttr.from_dict(k, v) for k, v in d.items() if k.startswith('dynamic_')]
[docs] @classmethod def to_attributes(cls, dyn_attrs: List['DynamicAttr']) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: return {f'dynamic_{d.field_id}': d.to_dict() for d in dyn_attrs}
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, key: str, d: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'DynamicAttr': if key.startswith('dynamic_'): _, field_id = key.split('_', maxsplit=1) return DynamicAttr(field_id=int(field_id), label=d['label'], value=d['value']) else: raise ValueError(f"dynamic attribute '{key}' does not start with 'dynamic_'")
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {'label': self.label, 'value': self.value}
[docs] def clone(self, new_value: Optional[Any] = None): return DynamicAttr(field_id=self.field_id, label=self.label, value=self.value if new_value is None else new_value)
[docs]@total_ordering class PersonioResource: _api_type_name: str = None """the name of this resource type in the Personio API""" _field_mapping_list: List[FieldMapping] = [] """all known API fields and their type definitions that are mapped to this PersonioResource""" __field_mapping: Dict[str, FieldMapping] = None """see ``_field_mapping()``""" __label_mapping: Dict[str, str] = None """see ``_label_mapping()``""" __namedtuple: Type[tuple] = None """see ``_namedtuple()``""" _flat_dict = False """set this to True, if this class has a flat dictionary representation in the Personio API""" def __init__(self, client: 'Personio' = None, **kwargs): super().__init__() self._client = client @classmethod def _field_mapping(cls) -> Dict[str, FieldMapping]: # the field mapping as dictionary if cls.__field_mapping is None: cls.__field_mapping = {fm.api_field: fm for fm in cls._field_mapping_list} return cls.__field_mapping @classmethod def _label_mapping(cls) -> Dict[str, str]: # mapping from api field name to pretty label name if cls.__label_mapping is None: cls.__label_mapping = {} return cls.__label_mapping
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: Dict[str, Any], client: 'Personio' = None) -> '__class__': """ Create an instance of this PersonioResource from the specified dictionary data, which is parsed version of the json data from the Personio API. :param d: create an instance from this data :param client: the Personio API client (optional). Used to provide additional operations on this resource, when available (e.g. request more data or write changes back to Personio) :return: a new instance of this class based on the provided data """ # handle 'type' & 'attributes', if available if 'type' in d and 'attributes' in d: cls._check_api_type(d) d = d['attributes'] # map the dictionary contents to the constructor's parameter names kwargs = cls._map_fields(d, client) return cls(client=client, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_dict(self, nested=False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Convert this PersonioResource to a dictionary that has the same structure as the json data from the Personio API. :param nested: indicate that this resource is part of a nested dictionary (Personio resources can have a different serialization when they are part of a nested dictionary...) :return: the Personio resource as dictionary (same structure as in the Personio API) """ d = {} for mapping in self._field_mapping_list: value = getattr(self, mapping.class_field) if value is not None: d[mapping.api_field] = mapping.serialize(value) return d
@classmethod def _check_api_type(cls, d: Dict[str, Any]): api_type_name = d['type'] if api_type_name != cls._api_type_name: log_once( logging.WARNING, f"Unexpected API type '{api_type_name}' for class {cls.__name__}, " f"expected '{cls._api_type_name}' instead") @classmethod def _namedtuple(cls) -> Type[Tuple]: if cls.__namedtuple is None: fields = [m.class_field for m in cls._field_mapping_list] + ['dynamic', 'class_name'] cls.__namedtuple = namedtuple(f'{cls.__name__}Tuple', fields) return cls.__namedtuple
[docs] def to_tuple(self) -> Tuple: values = ([getattr(self, m.class_field) for m in self._field_mapping_list] + [getattr(self, 'dynamic'), str(self.__class__)]) return self._namedtuple()(*values)
@classmethod def _map_fields(cls, d: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], client: 'Personio' = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: kwargs = {} field_mapping_dict = cls._field_mapping() for key, value in d.items(): if key in field_mapping_dict: field_mapping = field_mapping_dict[key] if not cls._is_empty(value): value = field_mapping.deserialize(value, client=client) kwargs[field_mapping.class_field] = value else: log_once(logging.WARNING, f"unexpected field '{key}' in class {cls.__name__}") return kwargs @classmethod def _is_empty(cls, value: Any): # determine if this Personio API value is "empty". # empty values are: None, "", [] # not empty values are: 0, False, "foo", [1,2,3], 42 return value is None or value == "" or value == [] def __hash__(self): return hash(json.dumps(self.to_tuple(), sort_keys=True, default=str)) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, PersonioResource): return self.to_tuple() == other.to_tuple() else: return False def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, PersonioResource): return self.to_tuple() < other.to_tuple() else: return False def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__} {self.__dict__}" def __str__(self) -> str: fields = ', '.join(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_')) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({fields})"
PersonioResourceType = TypeVar('PersonioResourceType', bound=PersonioResource)
[docs]class WritablePersonioResource(PersonioResource): _can_create = True _can_update = True _can_delete = True def __init__(self, client: 'Personio' = None, dynamic: List['DynamicAttr'] = None, dynamic_fields: List[DynamicMapping] = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(client, **kwargs) self.dynamic_fields = dynamic_fields self.dynamic_raw: Dict[int, DynamicAttr] = {d.field_id: d for d in dynamic or []} self.dynamic = self._map_dynamic_values(dynamic, dynamic_fields, client) @classmethod def _map_dynamic_values( cls, dynamic_raw: List['DynamicAttr'], dynamic_fields: List[DynamicMapping] = None, client: 'Personio' = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: dynamic = {} if not dynamic_raw or not dynamic_fields: return dynamic dynamic_mapping_dict = {dm.field_id: dm for dm in dynamic_fields or []} for dyn in dynamic_raw: if dyn.field_id in dynamic_mapping_dict: # we have a dynamic field mapping -> parse the value dm: DynamicMapping = dynamic_mapping_dict[dyn.field_id] field_mapping = dm.get_field_mapping() value = dyn.value if not cls._is_empty(value): value = field_mapping.deserialize(value, client=client) dynamic[field_mapping.class_field] = value return dynamic
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: Dict[str, Any], client: 'Personio' = None, dynamic_fields: List[DynamicMapping] = None) -> '__class__': cls._check_api_type(d) kwargs = cls._map_fields(d['attributes'], client) if 'id' in d: kwargs['id_'] = d['id'] dynamic_fields = dynamic_fields or (client.dynamic_fields if client else None) return cls(client=client, dynamic_fields=dynamic_fields, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_dict(self, nested=False) -> Dict[str, Any]: # we prefer typed values from the dynamic dict over the raw values # (because they might have been changed by the user) attr = super().to_dict(nested) dynamic_mapping_dict = {dyn.field_id: dyn for dyn in self.dynamic_fields or []} for dyn in self.dynamic_raw.values(): if dyn.field_id in dynamic_mapping_dict: raw_value = dyn.value dm: DynamicMapping = dynamic_mapping_dict[dyn.field_id] rich_value = self.dynamic[dm.alias] if raw_value != rich_value: field_mapping = dm.get_field_mapping() serialized = field_mapping.serialize(rich_value) if raw_value != serialized: dyn = dyn.clone(new_value=serialized) attr[f'dynamic_{dyn.field_id}'] = dyn.to_dict() return { 'type': self._api_type_name, 'attributes': attr, }
[docs] def create(self, client: 'Personio' = None): if self._can_create: client = self._check_client(client) return self._create(client) else: raise UnsupportedMethodError('create', self.__class__)
def _create(self, client: 'Personio'): raise UnsupportedMethodError('create', self.__class__)
[docs] def update(self, client: 'Personio' = None): if self._can_update: client = self._check_client(client) return self._update(client) else: raise UnsupportedMethodError('update', self.__class__)
def _update(self, client: 'Personio'): UnsupportedMethodError('update', self.__class__)
[docs] def delete(self, client: 'Personio' = None): if self._can_delete: client = self._check_client(client) return self._delete(client) else: raise UnsupportedMethodError('delete', self.__class__)
def _delete(self, client: 'Personio'): UnsupportedMethodError('delete', self.__class__) def _check_client(self, client: 'Personio' = None) -> 'Personio': client = client or self._client if not client: raise PersonioError() if not client.authenticated: client.authenticate() return client
[docs]class LabeledAttributesMixin(PersonioResource): """ Personio Resources that use the ``LabeledAttributesMixin`` expect data in a different format than the regular key-value pattern. Example:: "first_name": { "label": "First name", "value": "Richard" } Instead of ``"first_name": "Richard"`` we get a dictionary where the label of the field and its value are attributes of another dictionary. This format is currently used by ``Employee`` and ``ShortEmployee`` and was probably chosen because Personio allows to specify custom fields for employees with custom label names. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_dict(self, nested=False) -> Dict[str, Any]: d = {} label_mapping = self._label_mapping() for mapping in self._field_mapping_list: value = getattr(self, mapping.class_field) if value is not None: label = label_mapping.get(mapping.api_field) d[mapping.api_field] = {'label': label, 'value': mapping.serialize(value)} return d
@classmethod def _map_fields(cls, d: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], client: 'Personio' = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: kwargs = {} dynamic = [] field_mapping_dict = cls._field_mapping() label_mapping = cls._label_mapping() for key, data in d.items(): label_mapping[key] = data['label'] if key in field_mapping_dict: field_mapping = field_mapping_dict[key] value = data['value'] if not cls._is_empty(value): value = field_mapping.deserialize(value, client=client) kwargs[field_mapping.class_field] = value elif key.startswith('dynamic_'): dyn = DynamicAttr.from_dict(key, data) dynamic.append(dyn) else: log_once(logging.WARNING, f"unexpected field '{key}' in class {cls.__name__}") if dynamic: kwargs['dynamic'] = dynamic return kwargs
[docs]class AbsenceEntitlement(PersonioResource): _api_type_name = "TimeOffType" _field_mapping_list = [ NumericFieldMapping('id', 'id_', int), FieldMapping('name', 'name', str), NumericFieldMapping('entitlement', 'entitlement', float), ] def __init__(self, id_: int = None, name: str = None, entitlement: float = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.id_ = id_ = name self.entitlement = entitlement
[docs]class AbsenceType(PersonioResource): _api_type_name = "TimeOffType" _field_mapping_list = [ NumericFieldMapping('id', 'id_', int), FieldMapping('name', 'name', str), FieldMapping('category', 'category', str) ] def __init__(self, id_: int = None, name: str = None, category: str = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.id_ = id_ = name self.category = category
[docs] def to_dict(self, nested=False) -> Dict[str, Any]: if nested: return super().to_dict() else: return { 'type': self._api_type_name, 'attributes': super().to_dict(), }
[docs]class Certificate(PersonioResource): _field_mapping_list = [ FieldMapping('status', 'status', str), ] _flat_dict = True def __init__(self, status: str = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.status = status
[docs]class CostCenter(PersonioResource): _api_type_name = 'CostCenter' _field_mapping_list = [ NumericFieldMapping('id', 'id_', int), FieldMapping('name', 'name', str), NumericFieldMapping('percentage', 'percentage', float), ] def __init__(self, id_: int = None, name: str = None, percentage: float = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.id_ = id_ = name self.percentage = percentage
[docs]class Department(PersonioResource): _api_type_name = 'Department' _field_mapping_list = [ NumericFieldMapping('id', 'id_', int), FieldMapping('name', 'name', str), ] def __init__(self, id_: int = None, name: str = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.id_ = id_ = name
[docs]class HolidayCalendar(PersonioResource): _api_type_name = 'HolidayCalendar' _field_mapping_list = [ NumericFieldMapping('id', 'id_', int), FieldMapping('name', 'name', str), FieldMapping('country', 'country', str), FieldMapping('state', 'state', str), ] def __init__(self, id_: int = None, name: str = None, country: str = None, state: str = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.id_ = id_ = name = country self.state = state
[docs]class Office(PersonioResource): _api_type_name = 'Office' _field_mapping_list = [ NumericFieldMapping('id', 'id_', int), FieldMapping('name', 'name', str), ] def __init__(self, id_: int = None, name: str = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.id_ = id_ = name
[docs]class ShortEmployee(LabeledAttributesMixin): _api_type_name = "Employee" _field_mapping_list = [ NumericFieldMapping('id', 'id_', int), FieldMapping('first_name', 'first_name', str), FieldMapping('last_name', 'last_name', str), FieldMapping('email', 'email', str), ] def __init__(self, client: 'Personio' = None, id_: int = None, first_name: str = None, last_name: str = None, email: str = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._client = client self.id_ = id_ self.first_name = first_name self.last_name = last_name = email
[docs] def resolve(self, client: 'Personio' = None) -> 'Employee': client = client or self._client if client: return client.get_employee(self.id_) else: raise PersonioError( f"no Personio client is is available in this {self.__class__.__name__} instance " f"to make a request for the full employee profile of " f"{self.first_name} {self.last_name} ({self.id_})")
[docs]class Team(PersonioResource): _api_type_name = 'Team' _field_mapping_list = [ NumericFieldMapping('id', 'id_', int), FieldMapping('name', 'name', str), ] def __init__(self, id_: int = None, name: str = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.id_ = id_ = name
[docs]class WorkSchedule(PersonioResource): _api_type_name = 'WorkSchedule' _field_mapping_list = [ NumericFieldMapping('id', 'id_', int), FieldMapping('name', 'name', str), DateFieldMapping('valid_from', 'valid_from'), DurationFieldMapping('monday', 'monday'), DurationFieldMapping('tuesday', 'tuesday'), DurationFieldMapping('wednesday', 'wednesday'), DurationFieldMapping('thursday', 'thursday'), DurationFieldMapping('friday', 'friday'), DurationFieldMapping('saturday', 'saturday'), DurationFieldMapping('sunday', 'sunday'), ] def __init__(self, id_: int = None, name: str = None, valid_from: datetime = None, monday: timedelta = None, tuesday: timedelta = None, wednesday: timedelta = None, thursday: timedelta = None, friday: timedelta = None, saturday: timedelta = None, sunday: timedelta = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.id_ = id_ = name self.valid_from = valid_from self.monday = monday self.tuesday = tuesday self.wednesday = wednesday self.thursday = thursday self.friday = friday self.saturday = saturday self.sunday = sunday
[docs]class Absence(WritablePersonioResource): _api_type_name = "TimeOffPeriod" _can_update = False _field_mapping_list = [ NumericFieldMapping('id', 'id_', int), FieldMapping('status', 'status', str), FieldMapping('comment', 'comment', str), DateFieldMapping('start_date', 'start_date'), DateFieldMapping('end_date', 'end_date'), NumericFieldMapping('days_count', 'days_count', float), NumericFieldMapping('half_day_start', 'half_day_start', int), NumericFieldMapping('half_day_end', 'half_day_end', int), ObjectFieldMapping('time_off_type', 'time_off_type', AbsenceType), ObjectFieldMapping('employee', 'employee', ShortEmployee), FieldMapping('created_by', 'created_by', str), ObjectFieldMapping('certificate', 'certificate', Certificate), DateTimeFieldMapping('created_at', 'created_at'), DateTimeFieldMapping('updated_at', 'updated_at'), ] def __init__(self, client: 'Personio' = None, dynamic: Dict[str, Any] = None, dynamic_raw: List['DynamicAttr'] = None, id_: int = None, status: str = None, comment: str = None, start_date: datetime = None, end_date: datetime = None, days_count: float = None, half_day_start: bool = False, half_day_end: bool = False, time_off_type: AbsenceType = None, employee: ShortEmployee = None, created_by: str = None, certificate: Certificate = None, created_at: datetime = None, updated_at: datetime = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(client=client, dynamic=dynamic, dynamic_raw=dynamic_raw, **kwargs) self.id_ = id_ self.status = status self.comment = comment self.start_date = start_date self.end_date = end_date self.days_count = days_count self.half_day_start = bool(half_day_start) self.half_day_end = bool(half_day_end) self.time_off_type = time_off_type self.employee = employee self.created_by = created_by self.certificate = certificate self.created_at = created_at self.updated_at = updated_at def _create(self, client: 'Personio' = None): return get_client(self, client).create_absence(self) def _delete(self, client: 'Personio' = None): return get_client(self, client).delete_absence(self)
[docs] def to_body_params(self): data = { 'employee_id': self.employee.id_, 'time_off_type_id': self.time_off_type.id_, 'start_date': self.start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 'end_date': self.end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 'half_day_start': self.half_day_start, 'half_day_end': self.half_day_end } if self.comment is not None: data['comment'] = self.comment return data
[docs]class Project(WritablePersonioResource): _api_type_name = "Project" _field_mapping_list = [ # note: the id is actually not in the attributes dict, but one level higher NumericFieldMapping('id', 'id_', int), FieldMapping('name', 'name', str), BooleanFieldMapping('active', 'active'), DateTimeFieldMapping('created_at', 'created_at'), DateTimeFieldMapping('updated_at', 'updated_at') ] def __init__(self, client: 'Personio' = None, dynamic: Dict[str, Any] = None, dynamic_raw: List['DynamicAttr'] = None, id_: int = None, name: str = None, active: bool = None, created_at: datetime = None, updated_at: datetime = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(client=client, dynamic=dynamic, dynamic_raw=dynamic_raw, **kwargs) self.id_ = id_ = name = active self.created_at = created_at self.updated_at = updated_at def _create(self, client: 'Personio' = None): return get_client(self, client).create_project(self) def _delete(self, client: 'Personio' = None): return get_client(self, client).delete_project(self) def _update(self, client: 'Personio' = None): return get_client(self, client).update_project(self)
[docs] def to_dict(self, nested=False) -> Dict[str, Any]: # yes, this is weird an unnecessary, but that's how the api works d = super().to_dict() d['id'] = self.id_ del d['attributes']['id'] return d
[docs] def to_body_params(self): data = { 'name':, 'active':} return data
[docs]class Attendance(WritablePersonioResource): _api_type_name = "AttendancePeriod" _field_mapping_list = [ # note: the id is actually not in the attributes dict, but one level higher NumericFieldMapping('id', 'id_', int), NumericFieldMapping('employee', 'employee_id', int), DateFieldMapping('date', 'date'), DurationFieldMapping('start_time', 'start_time'), DurationFieldMapping('end_time', 'end_time'), NumericFieldMapping('break', 'break_duration', int), FieldMapping('comment', 'comment', str), BooleanFieldMapping('is_holiday', 'is_holiday'), BooleanFieldMapping('is_on_time_off', 'is_on_time_off'), ] def __init__(self, client: 'Personio' = None, dynamic: Dict[str, Any] = None, dynamic_raw: List['DynamicAttr'] = None, id_: int = None, employee_id: int = None, date: datetime = None, start_time: str = None, end_time: str = None, break_duration: int = None, comment: str = None, is_holiday: bool = None, is_on_time_off: bool = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(client=client, dynamic=dynamic, dynamic_raw=dynamic_raw, **kwargs) self.id_ = id_ self.employee_id = employee_id = date self.start_time = start_time self.end_time = end_time self.break_duration = break_duration self.comment = comment self.is_holiday = is_holiday self.is_on_time_off = is_on_time_off
[docs] def to_dict(self, nested=False) -> Dict[str, Any]: # yes, this is weird an unnecessary, but that's how the api works d = super().to_dict() d['id'] = self.id_ del d['attributes']['id'] return d
def _create(self, client: 'Personio'): get_client(self, client).create_attendances([self]) def _update(self, client: 'Personio'): get_client(self, client).update_attendance(self) def _delete(self, client: 'Personio'): get_client(self, client).delete_attendance(self)
[docs] def to_body_params(self, patch_existing_attendance=False): """ Return the Attendance object in the representation expected by the Personio API For an attendance record to be created all_values_required needs to be True. For patch operations only the attendance id is required, but it is not included into the body params. :param patch_existing_attendance Get patch body. If False a create body is returned. """ if patch_existing_attendance: if self.id_ is None: raise ValueError("An attendance id is required") body_dict = {} if is not None: body_dict['date'] ="%Y-%m-%d") if self.start_time is not None: body_dict['start_time'] = str(self.start_time) if self.end_time is not None: body_dict['end_time'] = str(self.end_time) if self.break_duration is not None: body_dict['break'] = self.break_duration if self.comment is not None: body_dict['comment'] = self.comment return body_dict else: return {"employee": self.employee_id, "date":"%Y-%m-%d"), "start_time": self.start_time, "end_time": self.end_time, "break": self.break_duration or 0, "comment": self.comment or ""}
[docs]class Employee(WritablePersonioResource, LabeledAttributesMixin): _api_type_name = "Employee" _can_delete = False _field_mapping_list = [ NumericFieldMapping('id', 'id_', int), FieldMapping('first_name', 'first_name', str), FieldMapping('last_name', 'last_name', str), FieldMapping('email', 'email', str), FieldMapping('gender', 'gender', str), FieldMapping('status', 'status', str), FieldMapping('position', 'position', str), ObjectFieldMapping('supervisor', 'supervisor', ShortEmployee), FieldMapping('employment_type', 'employment_type', str), FieldMapping('weekly_working_hours', 'weekly_working_hours', str), DateFieldMapping('hire_date', 'hire_date'), DateFieldMapping('contract_end_date', 'contract_end_date'), DateFieldMapping('termination_date', 'termination_date'), FieldMapping('termination_type', 'termination_type', str), FieldMapping('termination_reason', 'termination_reason', str), DateFieldMapping('probation_period_end', 'probation_period_end'), DateTimeFieldMapping('created_at', 'created_at'), DateTimeFieldMapping('last_modified_at', 'last_modified_at'), FieldMapping('subcompany', 'subcompany', str), ObjectFieldMapping('office', 'office', Office), ObjectFieldMapping('department', 'department', Department), ListFieldMapping(ObjectFieldMapping( 'cost_centers', 'cost_centers', CostCenter)), NumericFieldMapping('fix_salary', 'fix_salary', float), FieldMapping('fix_salary_interval', 'fix_salary_interval', str), NumericFieldMapping('hourly_salary', 'hourly_salary', float), NumericFieldMapping('vacation_day_balance', 'vacation_day_balance', float), DateFieldMapping('last_working_day', 'last_working_day'), ObjectFieldMapping('holiday_calendar', 'holiday_calendar', HolidayCalendar), ObjectFieldMapping('work_schedule', 'work_schedule', WorkSchedule), ListFieldMapping(ObjectFieldMapping( 'absence_entitlement', 'absence_entitlement', AbsenceEntitlement)), FieldMapping('profile_picture', 'profile_picture', str), ObjectFieldMapping('team', 'team', Team), ] def __init__(self, client: 'Personio' = None, dynamic: Dict[str, Any] = None, dynamic_raw: List['DynamicAttr'] = None, id_: int = None, first_name: str = None, last_name: str = None, email: str = None, gender: str = None, status: str = None, position: str = None, supervisor: ShortEmployee = None, employment_type: str = None, weekly_working_hours: str = None, hire_date: datetime = None, contract_end_date: datetime = None, termination_date: datetime = None, termination_type: str = None, termination_reason: str = None, probation_period_end: datetime = None, created_at: datetime = None, last_modified_at: datetime = None, subcompany: str = None, office: Office = None, department: Department = None, cost_centers: List[CostCenter] = None, holiday_calendar: HolidayCalendar = None, absence_entitlement: List[AbsenceEntitlement] = None, work_schedule: WorkSchedule = None, fix_salary: float = None, fix_salary_interval: str = None, hourly_salary: float = None, vacation_day_balance: float = None, last_working_day: datetime = None, profile_picture: str = None, team: Team = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(client=client, dynamic=dynamic, dynamic_raw=dynamic_raw, **kwargs) self.id_ = id_ self.first_name = first_name self.last_name = last_name = email self.gender = gender self.status = status self.position = position self.supervisor = supervisor self.employment_type = employment_type self.weekly_working_hours = weekly_working_hours self.hire_date = hire_date self.contract_end_date = contract_end_date self.termination_date = termination_date self.termination_type = termination_type self.termination_reason = termination_reason self.probation_period_end = probation_period_end self.created_at = created_at self.last_modified_at = last_modified_at self.subcompany = subcompany = office self.department = department self.cost_centers = cost_centers self.holiday_calendar = holiday_calendar self.absence_entitlement = absence_entitlement self.work_schedule = work_schedule self.fix_salary = fix_salary self.fix_salary_interval = fix_salary_interval self.hourly_salary = hourly_salary self.vacation_day_balance = vacation_day_balance self.last_working_day = last_working_day self.profile_picture = profile_picture = team self._picture = None def _create(self, client: 'Personio' = None): pass def _update(self, client: 'Personio' = None): pass
[docs] def picture(self, client: 'Personio' = None, width: int = None) -> bytes: if self._picture is None: client = get_client(self, client) self._picture = client.get_employee_picture(self, width=width) return self._picture
def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.first_name} {self.last_name}, " \ f"{self.position or 'position undefined'} ({self.id_})"
_unique_logs = set() def log_once(level: int, message: str): if message not in _unique_logs: logger.log(level, message) _unique_logs.add(message)
[docs]def get_client(resource: PersonioResource, client: 'Personio' = None): if resource._client or client: return resource._client or client raise PersonioError(f"no Personio client reference is available, please provide it to " f"your {type(resource).__name__} or as function parameter")